Office: SIRC-3388, Calendar, Scholar, Linkedin, Github, Email:, Academic CV
I am an assistant professor in Ontario Tech University leading the Image and Video Understanding (IVU) lab and an affiliate professor in UBC. My research interests include pixel-level scene and video understanding, data efficient learning, interpretability and responsible AI. Previously I was a Postdoctoral researcher working with Professor Richard Wildes in York University. I was also a vector affiliate. I obtained my PhD in 2021 under Professor Martin Jagersand supervision working in vision for robotics. My thesis was focused on learning video object segmentation from limited labelled data, where I was working on the intersection between video object segmentation and fewshot object segmentation. I was a member in a team of 4 in the KUKA Innovation Challenge 2018, where our team was one of the top 5 finalists. Previously I finished my MSc in NU and BSc in Ainshams University, Egypt.
Research Interests: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Fewshot Learning, Video Object Segmentation, Video Understanding, Interpretability, Responsible AI.
Mir Rayat Imtiaz Hossain, Mennatullah Siam, Leonid Sigal, James J. Little
Raghav Goyal, Wan-Cyuan Fan, Mennatullah Siam, Leonid Sigal
WACV 2025.
Rezaul Karim, He Zhao, Richard P. Wildes, Mennatullah Siam
Journal Extension Under Review.
Matthew Kowal, Mennatullah Siam, Md Amirul Islam, Neil D. B. Bruce, Richard P. Wildes, Konstantinos G. Derpanis
Clifford Broni-Bediako, Junshi Xia, Jian Song, Hongruixuan Chen, Mennatullah Siam, Naoto Yokoya
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (accepted).
Abdul-Hakeem Omotayo*, Ashery Mbilinyi*, Lukman Ismaila*, Houcemeddine Turki, Mahmoud Abdien, Karim Gamal, Idriss Tondji, Yvan Pimi, Naome A. Etori, Marwa M. Matar, Clifford Broni-Bediako, Abigail Oppong, Mai Gamal, Eman Ehab, Gbetondji Dovonon, Zainab Akinjobi, Daniel Ajisafe, Oluwabukola G. Adegboro, Mennatullah Siam
JAIR - Fariness and Bias in AI Special Issue.
Mai Gamal, Mohamed Rashad, Eman Ehab, Saif ElDawlatly, Mennatullah Siam
Short Paper in NeuroAI Workshop Neurips 2024.
Rezaul Karim, He Zhao, Richard P. Wildes, Mennatullah Siam
CVPR 2023.
Abdul-Hakeem Omotayo, Mai Gamal, Eman Ehab, Gbetondji Dovonon, Zainab Akinjobi, Ismaila Lukman, Houcemeddine Turki, Mahmod Abdien, Idriss Tondji, Abigail Oppong, Yvan Pimi, Karim Gamal, and Mennatullah Siam
EAAMO 2023.
Hesham Ali, Idriss Tondji, Mennatullah Siam
ML4H Symposium 2023, Findings Track.
Matthew Kowal, Mennatullah Siam, Md Amirul Islam, Neil D. B. Bruce, Richard P. Wildes, Konstantinos G. Derpanis
CVPR 2022.
Mennatullah Siam, Konstantinos G. Derpanis, Richard P. Wildes
ML4AD Workshop, Neurips 2021.
Mennatullah Siam, Alex Kendal, Martin Jagersand
CVPR 2021 Workshops.
Paper Project WebpageMennatullah Siam*, Naren Doraiswamy*, Boris N. Oreshkin*, Hengshuai Yao, Martin Jagersand (equally contributing)
IJCAI 2020.
PaperICCV 2019.
Paper CodeICRA 2019.
Paper DatasetMasood Dehghan*, Zichen Zhang*, Mennatullah Siam*, Jun Jin, Laura Petrich, Martin Jagersand (equally contributing)
ICRA 2019.
Paper Video DemoMennatullah Siam, Sara Eikerdawy, Mostafa Gamal, Moemen Abdel-Razek, Martin Jagersand, Hong Zhang
IROS 2018.
PaperMennatullah Siam, Heba Mahgoub, Mohamed Zahran, Senthil Yogamani, Martin Jagersand, Ahmed El-Sallab
ITSC 2018.
Paper Dataset Video Demo Patent